How it Started

Ever since we started this business, we knew traveling was one of our goals as a wedding team. We love experiencing new places, so we decided to make it our aim to be a part of at least one wedding in every state. So far, we have booked at least one wedding in these 16 states: Florida, Tennessee, Alabama, Mississippi, Kentucky, Arkansas, Oklahoma, Texas, Kansas, New Mexico, Utah, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, Missouri, and Connecticut. We would love to continue checking off our bucket list of shooting in all 50 states with your help! If your wedding is in any of the states that we have not yet had the privilege of shooting in, we may have discounted rates for you!


We do our best to work with your budget when traveling for your wedding. We research the best rates of flights, car rental, and hotel fees and then we write up an estimate to run by you. Lots of times, if your wedding is in a location we have never been to or we would like to go back to, we will do our best to stick within your budget by offering some discounts, subject to location.

Take Us Somewhere New!

Take Us Somewhere New!